
Apocalypse: Then, Now, and Soon by Dr. Brent Lauder

Many people have an uneasy relationship with the Book of Revelation. Despite recognizing Revelation to be Holy Scripture, many are left confused and frustrated by its unfamiliar symbols on the one hand and the numerous and often conflicting interpretations on the other. Apocalypse Then, Now, and Soon presents an accessible, insightful, and compelling treatment of Holy Scripture’s final book. Written as an introduction to Revelation, this book will help the interested reader clear away some of the mysteries of the Apocalypse and simplify the complex.

Rev. Dr. Brent Lauder serves as the Senior Pastor of Providence Christian Church in Cape Coral, Florida. Brent received his education at Ball State University (BS), Covenant Theological Seminary (MDiv), and Reformed Theological Seminary (DMin). He is married to Jennifer and has four children—Job, Miriam, Ethan, and Lydia.

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How to Speak a Sermon: So That People Will Listen by Larry Trotter

A powerful sermon must have not only clearly organized biblical content but also engaging delivery. How to Speak a Sermon is about sermon delivery, particularly extemporaneous sermon delivery. Combining biblical principles with the best insights of the ages and personal experiences, it explains the power and pitfalls of extemporaneous speech, how to develop speaking ability, and why preaching method matters.

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I Am: The Statements of Jesus by John Pennylegion

Who do you say Jesus is? This is one of the most important questions we can answer. Wise Sage. Moral example. Profound teacher. These are but a few of the many ways that people have sought to characterize Jesus. While our articulations may have nuggets of truth and are sprinkled with understanding, how Jesus portrays himself is far more important than how we describe him. In I Am John Pennylegion explores the seven statements Jesus makes about himself in the gospel of John. By engaging with these descriptions, we understand more of who Jesus is and how we are to follow him.

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Through the Valley: How Psalm 23 Gives Us Hope in Suffering by Rob Wootton

Psalm 23 is the most influential poem in history. Even if you did not grow up in a faith tradition, you have probably heard, “The Lord is my shepherd,” or “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death.” If you are searching for something greater and bigger than yourself, and you are not sure if the Bible is the place to find it, then this book is for you. If you can recite Psalm 23 without making a mistake, it might be easy to forget its beauty and significance. Maybe you have read it a hundred times and heard many sermons from Psalm 23. If this is true of you—then this book is for you. May you may recapture the heart of the Good Shepherd. Psalm 23 has given hope to millions worldwide. This book was written so you too can find hope.

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A Year with the New Testament: A Verse By Verse Daily Devotional by Dr. Dave Dorst


Are you looking for more depth in your study of the Bible? Do you want more from your daily devotional than an inspirational story or a quick "principle for living"? Dr. Dave Dorst, a pastor for over 45 years, spent over a decade writing a devotional commentary on the New Testament and then led several churches through a year-long study. Now, this study is finally widely available! This robust devotional gets into the meat of each passage to help you read God's Word with greater understanding and application. Every day Dr. Dorst challenges the willing reader to dig deep into Scripture and to see how the Gospel of Jesus is at the heart of it all. As you read, reflect, and pray, you will be encouraged not just to be a hearer of the Word, but a doer of the Word as well. Written for people of every age and stage, this valuable resource should provide: 1. An acquaintance with the major and minor themes of the New Testament. 2. An understanding of the writers and how their works fit together. 3. An encouragement to form a life-long discipline of daily devotions. 4. Most importantly, an opportunity to know God better and apply his will to your life.

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Driven By Desire: Insatiable Longings, Incredible Promises, Infinite God by Thomas Fitzpatrick


Beauty. Fascination. Power. Love. Intimacy. Importance. Devotion. Those words don’t simply describe the newest Hollywood hit. They describe the core longings of the human heart—the core longings of your heart. Everything you do, from posting pictures to purchasing products, to striving for a higher pay grade, is driven by one (or all) of these desires. But most people assume these desires annoy or even anger God. They think that the only thing God says about these passions and pursuits is “No!” or “Stay Away!” But what if the opposite was true? What if your desires were originally given to you by God and only satisfied through him? What if they are the primary way you were created to connect with God? In Driven By Desire, author Thomas Fitzpatrick introduces you to several key Biblical truths that have the potential to radically change your understanding of your desires and the God who purposefully gave them all to you.

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Faithful Doubt by Travis Scott


Many Christians think the presence of doubt cancels out faith or makes them somehow unworthy to go to God. Many others assume they could never have faith because they have so many doubts about the God of the Bible. But what if faith and doubt aren't polar opposites? The book of Habakkuk could be described as one man’s wrestling with God and boldly stating his questions and doubts. In Faithful Doubt, Travis Scott explores the ancient prophecy in Habakkuk to see how it helps us better understand the relationship between faith and doubt and how the practice of faithful doubt is a necessary part of a healthy spiritual life.

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Questions of the Heart: Leaning In, Listening For, And Loving Well Toward True Identity In Christ by Kevin Thumpston


God calls Christians to love our neighbors as ourselves and to give the reason for the hope that is within us. Most believe we ought to do so, but we have a hard time actually doing it. Our culture's crisis of identity makes the task of sharing the Gospel daunting and complex. Instead of trying to sell our friends on what we believe, we ought to let the questions of their hearts lead the conversation. Their unique heart cry is the sweet spot that helps them find their true identity in Christ. Everyone needs a friend to lean in, listen for, and love well toward a true identity in Christ. Questions of the Heart will equip you to be that friend.

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Insufficient: Pursuing Grace-Based Pastoral Competence by Randy Nabors


Insufficient challenges pastors to look at their work in its varied complexity while recognizing the need and demand to increase competency in skills and admit their “insufficiency.” Nabors does not shy away from calling pastors to realize there is more than meets the eye in pursuing ministry. A right pursuit of orthodoxy has sometimes blinded pastors to what has been left out, namely the articulation of orthopraxis. Pastors also need Christian good works, especially justice and mercy. This book calls pastors to a dependence on the grace and power of the Holy Spirit, who alone is able to make competent pastors of the Gospel. It provides insights, advice, and pragmatic wisdom from more than 40 years of ministry.

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To You I Lift Up My Soul: Confessions & Prayers by Michael W. Philliber


It is a strange phenomenon. When someone leads public prayer, some begin to have a truckload of ideas flood their minds and pour out of their mouths, while others freeze and can barely utter an intelligible request. One remedy for roaming and rambling or stammering and stumbling is to share public prayers. Whether leading a congregation in a corporate confession of sin or a communal series of prayers, it helps to know there is a thought-out beginning, middle, and end. To You I Lift Up My Soul gathers a number of prayers for such occasions.

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Doing God’s Work: With Brothers and Sisters in Christ Serving in Milwaukee By Arnold "Arn" Quakkelaar


We often pray for God’s will to be done, but what is our role and responsibility in doing it? Arn Quakkelaar has experience in searching God’s will as a professional engineer and corporate executive in the global marketplace. Doing God’s Will may help you find how to fulfill God’s purposes, discern his plan, and do his work his way. These real-life stories and testimonies of faith from the disenfranchised in Milwaukee have much to teach those in any culture.

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EmbRACE: A Biblical Study on Justice and Race by Dennis Kang


An explosion of racial conflict and division ensues across the country. Viral videos show scenes of police brutality, protesters insisting Black Lives Matter, while many others consider the problem isolated. What is the call of faithful believers in midst of these tensions? Is the goal of racial reconciliation part of a non-Christian agenda or is it God’s dream for his church? EmbRACE is a tool to help guide individuals and churches in a conversation of learning and growing in our understanding of the intersection of race, faith, and society.

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Rooted: The Apostles' Creed - Second Edition by Ray Cannata and Josh Reitano


In a day when many things divide us, what unites us? Christians have, for centuries, found unity and solidarity through the confession of faith found in the Apostles' Creed. Many learned it as children, while others only became familiar with it later in life; some can recite it by memory, some in song, but all using the same essential words. Yet, familiar though it is, do we understand its meaning? When we profess, Sunday by Sunday, these historic words, do we have a full grasp of what it is we are professing? In Rooted: the Apostles' Creed, Dr. Raymond Cannata and Rev. Joshua Reitano teach us and refresh us in our understanding of what these important truths mean. Taking a little bit at a time, this book will guide you through a comprehensive understanding of the principles contained in the beloved Creed.

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Ever Light and Dark: Telling Secrets, Telling the Truth by Elizabeth Miller Hayes


As we look into the stories of our lives, particularly the most difficult ones, we connect more deeply with ourselves, with others, and even with God. Elizabeth believes that when people tell their stories, things change. We are found through the telling, and so is hope. She also has found faith. It's mysterious, and at times infuriating, as she experiences a God who refuses to be controlled. God doesn't promise the elimination of suffering, only that he will be with us in it. It's not the religion she grew up with. It's more nuanced than that. But most important, it’s real. Explore this real faith with her in Ever Light and Dark.

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All Are Welcome: Toward a Multi-Everything Church


As conversations abound on social media platforms and in the news media, more people are beginning to wonder why ethnic and cultural diversity is increasing in our cities, yet it is not reflected in our churches. All Are Welcome is an attempt to have (and continue) the conversation that looms in our communities. Each contributor in this edited volume is an ethnic minority. These are the voices that are often overlooked, yet they provide ideas and answers for how to create a much more welcoming environment for all people in our local congregations.

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A Sometimes Stumbling Life: Making Sense of Our Struggles and God's Grace in the Journey of Faith by Mike Khandjian


"God didn’t send Jesus to make us perfect but to make us his." This line from Mike Khandjian's A Sometimes Stumbling Life encapsulates the unfolding drama of a faith that is rooted in the delight of a Father who relentlessly pursues his children in spite of themselves. Offering no self-help secrets or empty platitudes, it is an invitation to experience God's welcoming grace in the midst of our brokenness. With fresh glimpses of the biblical story, Mike employs his own experiences and those of others to invite us into a story where we are both fully known and fully loved.

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Choosing A Church: A Biblical and Practical Guide by Jonathan Stoddard


How do I find the right church? Choosing a Church is written for anyone who is interested in Christianity but is unfamiliar with the Christian church. Perhaps you want to learn more about Jesus, but you don't know where to turn. This book is your guide to finding a church you can call home.You'll learn:If there is one God, why are there so many different churches? Does it matter if a church has rock music or hymns? Is there one true church? How do I know what beliefs are essential? Does church membership matter? And much more!

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The Birth of Joy: Philippians by Doug Serven and Bobby Griffith


The ancient letter of Philippians invites us to joy—today. The Apostle Paul calls the Christian community to rejoice in all things and to endure all things joyfully. However, it is not out of a naïve focus on dying and going to heaven, but rather out of a willingness to embrace the reality of what it means to take hold of Jesus's life, death, and resurrection—to follow him in loving God and others. Philippians invites us to joy and to find something in which to rejoice in the midst of our hectic, never-satisfied world.

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