Thomas Fitzpatrick

Thomas Fitzpatrick lives and works in Albuquerque, NM with his wife and three daughters (luckily he has a male dog so he's not the ONLY guy in the house). Thomas has ministered all over the Mountain West and West Coast throughout his 20 years in ministry, serving as a college pastor in CA, as well as a lead pastor in CO. Thomas has a Communication degree from the University of New Mexico and a graduate degree in Ministry from Pepperdine University. When he is not writing or speaking about Jesus and the desires that God has placed deep within the human heart, Thomas loves to golf, snowboard, watch Star Wars, play board games, and experiment with DIY projects around the house. You can connect with him and learn more about the book at

Driven By Desire:

Insatiable Longings, Incredible Promises, Infinite God

Beauty. Fascination. Power. Love. Intimacy. Importance. Devotion. Those words don’t simply describe the newest Hollywood hit. They describe the core longings of the human heart—the core longings of your heart. Everything you do, from posting pictures to purchasing products, to striving for a higher pay grade, is driven by one (or all) of these desires. But most people assume these desires annoy or even anger God. They think that the only thing God says about these passions and pursuits is “No!” or “Stay Away!” But what if the opposite was true?What if your desires were originally given to you by God and only satisfied through him? What if they are the primary way you were created to connect with God? In Driven By Desire, author Thomas Fitzpatrick introduces you to several key Biblical truths that have the potential to radically change your understanding of your desires and the God who purposefully gave them all to you.

Available for purchase on Amazon.
