Ray Cannata

Ray received his education at Wake Forest (B.A.), Princeton TheologicalSeminary (M.Div. and Th.M.) and Westminster Theological Seminary (doctorate). He currently pastors Redeemer Presbyterian Church in the city of New Orleans. His congregation supervised rebuilding work on over 400 houses in the first eight years after Katrina.

Ray's work has been featured on many national tv programs (AndersonCooper 360, Fox & Friends, etc.), and magazines (Paste, World, Wall Street Journal, etc.). He has guest lectured in masters and doctoral classes at Covenant Theological Seminary, Wellesley College, and Tulane University. A major documentary film has been made about his quest to eat at every non-chain restaurant in his city (742 of them): The Man Who Ate New Orleans. He is also a leader in an off-beat New Orleans club which is the subject of his book KRE Confidential: Inside the Krewe of the Rolling Elvi.


The Apostles' Creed

In a day when many things divide us, what unites us? Christians have, for centuries, found unity and solidarity through the confession of faith found in the Apostles' Creed. Many learned it as children, while others only became familiar with it later in life; some can recite it by memory, some in song, but all using the same essential words. Yet, familiar though it is, do we understand its meaning? When we profess, Sunday by Sunday, these historic words, do we have a full grasp of what it is we are professing? In Rooted: the Apostles' Creed, Dr. Raymond Cannata, and Rev. Joshua Reitano teach us and refresh us in our understanding of what these important truths mean. Taking a little bit at a time, this book will guide you through a comprehensive understanding of the principles contained in the beloved Creed.

Available for purchase on Amazon.

"...This book is a gold mine. It is theologically trustworthy, pastorally in touch, and culturally engaging. It's not so academic that it flies over your head, nor is it so basic that it tells you nothing new. It is a scholarly work as well as a practical one. What sets "Rooted" apart from other studies of the Apostles Creed is that it reads somewhere between commentary and sermon. It is rich in scholarly content, while also being palatable in connecting the ancient creed to our particular time and place..."

Christ Presbyterian Church Nashville,
Author, Befriend

"...The combination of scripture, stories, sermons, and insights, together with study questions after each chapter, makes for an accessible and useful text for Christians young and old, both new converts and those who have confessed the Creed for decades..."

Associate Professor of Philosophy, La Salle Univ., Philadelphia
