Kevin Thumpston
Kevin is the lead pastor at Watershed Fellowship (PCA) in Lexington, SC. He is also the Coordinator of Church Planting for Palmetto and Pee Dee Presbyteries. Kevin has been married for 27 years to Andrea, and they have three amazing kids heading off to college. His passion is mentoring and sharing the Gospel. If you are ever in the Columbia area, give him a shout-out and grab a coffee. For more info, check out his website
Questions of the Heart:
Leaning In, Listening For, And Loving Well Toward True Identity In Christ
God calls Christians to love our neighbors as ourselves and to give the reason for the hope that is within us. Most believe we ought to do so, but we have a hard time actually doing it. Our culture's crisis of identity makes the task of sharing the Gospel daunting and complex. Instead of trying to sell our friends on what we believe, we ought to let the questions of their hearts lead the conversation. Their unique heart cry is the sweet spot that helps them find their true identity in Christ. Everyone needs a friend to lean in, listen for, and love well toward a true identity in Christ. Questions of the Heart will equip you to be that friend.
Available for purchase on Amazon.
“If you are looking for an effective resource to spur conversation with colleagues, friends, and family members about how Jesus satisfies the deepest longings of the human heart, Kevin has provided an excellent resource for that. I highly recommend this helpful, accessible book for that purpose.”
Christ Presbyterian Church Nashville,
Author, Befriend
"It is a rare thing to meet a pastor who is incredibly thoughtful, faithfully intentional, highly relational, and deeply humble. Kevin is all of the above in the most beautiful way, and I can't wait for you to read his book.”
Author of Broken and Beloved, RUF pastor at USC.