Dr. Dave Dorst
A Year with the New Testament:
A Verse By Verse Daily Devotional
Are you looking for more depth in your study of the Bible? Do you want more from your daily devotional than an inspirational story or a quick "principle for living"? Dr. Dave Dorst, a pastor for over 45 years, spent over a decade writing a devotional commentary on the New Testament and then led several churches through a year-long study. Now, this study is finally widely available! This robust devotional gets into the meat of each passage to help you read God's Word with greater understanding and application. Every day Dr. Dorst challenges the willing reader to dig deep into Scripture and to see how the Gospel of Jesus is at the heart of it all. As you read, reflect, and pray, you will be encouraged not just to be a hearer of the Word, but a doer of the Word as well. Written for people of every age and stage, this valuable resource should provide: 1. An acquaintance with the major and minor themes of the New Testament. 2. An understanding of the writers and how their works fit together. 3. An encouragement to form a life-long discipline of daily devotions. 4. Most importantly, an opportunity to know God better and apply his will to your life.
Available for purchase on Amazon.
“Imagine a pastor who has preached, taught, loved, and shepherded people across half the USA for nearly a half-century. Now imagine asking him what daily practice best produces joyful, Bible-loving Christians, and he tells you, “Prayer-soaked time with the New Testament.” Dave Dorst is such a pastor and his A Year With the New Testament is his gift to you. In this marvelous devotional, Dorst leads readers through the Scriptures into a living friendship with God in Christ. Here are detailed but accessible, verse-by-verse daily guides for studying, loving, praying, and practicing God’s Word. May this book be your faithful companion this year!”
R. Carlton Wynne
Assistant Pastor, Westminster Presbyterian Church
"Dr. Dorst’s year-long devotional was an incredible journey for me. The lessons deepened my understanding of Scripture and my need for a Savior. I am so grateful for his wisdom and insight into Scripture.”
Chris Tidland
Former PGA golfer
Deacon, Grace Presbyterian Church