Brittany Smith
Brittany Smith works as Campus Staff for Reformed University Fellowship at the University of Arizona in Tucson. She grew up in Mesquite, Texas, and she holds a Masters of Educational Ministry from Covenant Theological Seminary. She is married to Dan, and they have two children. She enjoys the wildlife of the Sonoran Desert, throwing pool parties, and playing Overcooked on the Nintendo Switch with her children. She is the co-editor of Co-Laborers, Co-Heirs: A Family Conversation.
Co-Laborers, Co-Heirs:
A Family Conversation
While our church doctrine teaches that men and women are co-laborers and co-heirs in Christ, does our practice reflect that truth? And what do we lose in our failures? To serve effectively together as brothers and sisters, we must be able to speak about good and hard things. These essays by our sisters and mothers in the church can help us know, grow and do better. Here are redemptive celebrations, gentle corrections, and winsome invitations from the diversity of women God has given as gifts to the church body. Read and listen well so that may we better serve each other and God's kingdom.
Available for purchase on Amazon.
“This is a wonderful, much-needed book. The story of Emma and the movement acknowledging women should be in ministry is worth far more than the price of the book. It is a book every pastor and elder should have to read before taking up their office and before making any decisions about whether or not women should serve in ministry. Of course, they should! They are indeed fellow-laborers in God’s kingdom and are needed in every church
in the world.”
Jerram Barrs
Professor, Covenant Theological Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri
“This is a necessary and valid discussion that won’t go away simply because it’s uncomfortable. We are all members of one body and as such, need to continue to attend to each other with care and genuine concern. This book asks the question, “How can we do this better?” One of the authors encourages us to do so by being intentional, humble, and charitable. Since those are three of my favorite words, that seems like a great place to start and return to over and over.”
Elizabeth Miller Hayes
Author, Ever Light and Dark: Telling Secrets, Telling the Truth